About Us

There is a vast need for youth transitioning into society from the foster care system. For those who are prepared this can be an exciting journey, but for others this may be a lonely and daunting experience. Some foster youth age out of the system without a plan, family support, or direction for their life. As for single moms, raising a child on their own is hard, especially with little or no income. The BEcome Project is designed to help young women, ages 18-25, thrive after departing foster care, develop individual identity, create a vision to pursue their dreams, and find meaning and personal fulfillment in their life. We aim to provide access to resources, a network of community partners, needed tools, and a supportive environment to help cultivate their dreams and aspirations. There are three core phases in the program which will take the young women on a journey for discovery, coaching, and creating a life of meaning and purpose.

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